1967 Iso Grifo Series 1 GL350

We like to torture ourselves with glorious looking cars that we’ll never be able to afford here at Coolector HQ and the latest added to that list is this rather extraordinary looking 1967 Iso Grifo Series 1 GL350 which is going up for sale with the guys at Silverstone Auctions. It is one of a mere 26 RHD Series 1 Grifos ever built, it has been superbly restored, boasts motor sport celebrity ownership and a colourful history – this one is a real ‘must’ for any serious collector of classic cars (with deep pockets).

The 1967 Iso Grifo Series 1 GL350 from Silverstone Auctions has a rather eye-watering guide price of £300-340k so you’ll be shelling out a small fortune if you want to add this to your line up of vintage vehicles. The stunning Grifo GL350 on offer here has truly led ‘una vita interessante’ as testified by its thoroughly engaging history file which opens with a copy of the original build sheet issued by Vettura Iso Rivolta on 28 August 1967 detailing the build specification which includes a 350bhp, small-block Chevrolet 327 (5,358cc) V8, ZF 5-speed gearbox, 3.31 differential and air-conditioning.


The story behind this Iso Grifo is an incredibly interesting one. Peter Agg of Trojan Ltd., the UK importers, invited Autosport magazine’s Technical Editor and well-known journalist, John Bolster, to collect his new Iso Grifo demonstrator from the factory at Bresso, visit the Italian Grand Prix and then drive through France back to England. In his subsequent article in Autosport on October 13, 1967 (a copy of which is included with the sale) he wrote that it would be difficult to imagine a more delightful journey. The Grifo is illustrated bearing the Italian registration number, 17241EE, which it carried until 1973. Its celebrity continued with an appearance in The Beatles Magical Mystery Tour film in 1967 and the Autocar magazine of October 12th, 1967 carries a photo of members of the Surrey Constabulary taking a good look around the car before delivery to its first owner, World Motorcycle Champion, Mike Hailwood.

It made its way back to the UK in late 1972, and the next owner of this 1967 Iso Grifo Series 1 GL350 from Silverstone Auctions (from £300k) was a Mr. McCallum who bought it from a Mr Robert Watkinson. It was then registered as PLD 938L on 18th April 1973 and its first UK MOT in 1973 shows 36,765 miles on the clock. The history file also shows invoices from H.W. Motors Ltd. of Walton on Thames (HWM) and personal letters from George Abecassis extolling the virtues of his Intercontinental Cars Ltd. The Iso stayed with that owner for many years before a growing family forced the Grifo into long term storage. A letter in the file from him to Mike’s widow, Pauline shows he kept it until 2007. Mike’s Grifo was then sold and subject to a most exacting, no expense spared restoration in Germany.

Finished off in the correct Iso colour of Giallo Limone, the high calibre quality of that restoration is still very much in evidence with the paintwork retaining a deep shine and the factory interior, originally trimmed by Cuoio Franzi, being just as eye-catching. Since returning from Germany in 2011 it has been enjoyed as part of two significant UK collections before becoming the focal point of the vendor’s cossetted collection. Love classic cars with interesting backstories? Look no further.

Leo Davie
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