20th Century’s Best Logos

Branding, when it’s done right, is pivotal to the success of a company and there is no more important element for a company to get right than that of their logo. It needs to become synonymous with them and make them instantly memorable in the mind of consumers. There are some great examples of logos out there which, whilst being unassuming in many cases, have been largely responsible for ingraining their company’s ethos upon us and formed the cornerstone of their ongoing success.

The excellent video above from Korean graphic designer, Yun-Sik Hong, wonderfully illustrates his picks of the 20th century’s best and most influential logos and we here at The Coolector (whilst smarting that ours wasn’t included) are finding it difficult to not agree with his choices. The video brilliantly amalgamates all of these logos together in one fluid clip and, whilst there are some obvious logos missing from the piece (such as Apple, McDonalds etc) it is inevitable that there would be some absent without leave otherwise the video would go on for hours.

An excellent example of the power of branding and superb animation and graphic design skills from Yun-Sik Hong. Enjoy.

Leo Davie
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