41D Gerstner Chest for Best Made Co

Though we don’t own many fine things here at Coolector HQ, the ones we do have definitely deserve somewhere to reside that is positively dripping in awesomeness and that’s why we’ve got our eyes well and truly fixed on the brilliant looking 41D Gerstner Chest from the chaps at Best Made Co in New York City.

This painfully stylish case certainly has a good deal of heritage behind it insomuch as it has been crafted by Gerstner, who have been producing first class wooden wares in Ohio since the 1930’s and this striking offering definitely keeps that tradition alive. We’re massive fans of the goods to be found at Best Made Co (as their regular appearances on the pages of The Coolector will testify) and when they join forces with other equally as excellent companies, the end result is inevitable brilliance.

The 41D Gerstner Chest has the great branding from Best Made Co emblazoned across the front and the understated elegance of the chest is plain to see. If you’re after somewhere to keep various bits and pieces such as watches and other assorted accessories, we dare say you’ll find it difficult to trump the Best Made Co 41D Gerstner Chest in the style stakes. Made with kiln-dried American cherry which is plain sawn and finished with solid brass hardware, the aesthetic superiority of the case unquestionably makes it stand out from the crowd and the quality of the finish really is unparalleled. A great looking and supremely functional item for any dapper chap’s workspace.

See More: Best Made Co