I think the is little doubting that the 80’s was a veritable hotbed of movie awesomeness with so many classics hitting the silver screen that we here at The Coolector still watch with great regularity. It would appear that we are not the only ones with a love of 80’s cinema and who realise that it was a golden age in film because this brilliant collection of 80’s Movie Artwork by Van Orton Design definitely captures some our favourite movies of the era – including your Robocops, Gremlins and Goonies.
Highly stylised in design and all the more striking for it, we’re certainly of the opinion that these fantastic pieces capture the essence of the movies superbly well and, quite frankly, is making us want to dust off the DVD player at Coolector HQ and watch all the films pictured above. There are, of course, plenty of other films that haven’t been captured in Van Orton’s work but, such was the high amount of awesome films knocking about in the 1980’s, it would have taken forever to do them all.
See more: Behance.