Star Wars AT-AT Walker Silhouette

The great thing about the iconic nature of the Star Wars galaxy is that it lends itself to so many artistic ventures from fans of the franchise that are as diverse as they are excellent and the latest to warrant more than a mere mention is this superb AT-AT Walker Silhouette design from a talented fellow by the name of Will Pigg.

For anyone with a fondness of all things Star Wars, this fantastically crafted silhouette will definitely have struck a note through its creative awesomeness and, even more brilliantly, this isn’t just a solo endeavour for Pigg’s own edification, these superb looking pieces of art are also available to purchase through his Etsy store.

Will Pigg is a freelance artist, illustrator and paper crafter who has produced some genuinely striking pieces of artwork, predominantly through the medium of silhouette but it was his painstakingly detailed AT-AT offering that really resonated with us here at Coolector HQ. Take a look at a few more shots of the AT-AT in action below:





The close up shots show just how detailed and precise Pigg’s pieces of Star Wars art are and we’re definitely of the opinion that we need one of these AT-AT silhouettes hanging above our workspace soon rather than later. Boasting a visual appeal of unparalleled proportions, we’ve fallen hook line and sinker for this first class offering from Florida local, Pigg, and it is an essential purchase for any fan of the franchise.

Measuring 12X16′, each one of Pigg’s silhouettes is made to order and comes with a frame or shadow box to enhance the 3D nature of the piece. Yet another cracking example of the creativity of Star Wars lovers out there who just so happen to also be creatives.

See More: Etsy

Leo Davie
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