Looking Glass Lodge

If ever there was an example to prove you don’t need an abundance of space if the setting is right, Looking Glass Lodge is surely it. This mesmerising piece of architecture from Micheal Kendrick Architects is sublimely stylish, understated and has some of the most alluring views imaginable courtesy of its woodland locale.

Looking Glass Lodge from Michael Kendrick Architects is located in East Sussex, UK, and boasts striking timber-clad facades and vast windows that allow views right through the building onto the woodland beyond and bathe the home in natural light through the day.

Perfectly positioned within the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in Sussex, Looking Glass Lodge was developed for a client whose parents established a nature reserve there in the 1960s so there is a pleasing backstory to this magnificent piece of modern architecture. The home is nestled on a sloping site on the grounds of the client’s family home. It was constructed without the need to remove any existing trees in a natural clearing that is hidden deep in the woodland.

The extensive use of glass on the facade allows natural light to flood into the building during the day. The electrochromic glass used was purposively picked because it tints when an electrical charge is passed through it, providing the home with extra privacy without compromising the views from within.

Reached on foot by a narrow path that leads to the large terrace on its south side, we’re loving the remoteness of Looking Glass Lodge here at The Coolector. Internally, the open-plan layout is configurated to make the most of the amazing views that the home possesses. A fantastic piece of English architecture.

Leo Davie
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