Meijs Motorman Electric Moped

When you hear the term “moped” you don’t instantly think of something cool and luxurious but if anything is going to change this perception then it will definitely be something like the Meijs Motorman Electric Moped which, quite frankly, looks all manners of awesome.

The handiwork of Ronald Meijs, this amazing looking vehicle is dripping in understated cool and will be the perfect vehicle for those who are on the lookout for something for their urban commuting needs. If you’re weary of sitting in traffic jams in your home city and want a vehicle that is both painfully cool and extremely versatile, the Meijs Motorman Electric Moped is a prime candidate for the role and we’ve been left more than a little impressed with the aesthetic appeal of this cracking machine here at Coolector HQ. Take a look at a few more shots of it in action below:





Available in a number of different colourways to suit your own personal design tastes (our favourite being the jet black offering here at The Coolector), this extraordinary steed will definitely ramp up your own style credentials and turn heads aplenty when you bust it out on the bustling streets of your home city. Design to make urban commuting easier, the brilliant looking Meijs Motorman Moped is right up our design street and we’re sure that there will be an abundance of chaps out there who have fallen for its not inconsiderable visual charms as well. An awesome looking machine that will see you arrive in style wherever you’re going.

See More: Meijs Moped

Leo Davie
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