Brick Sketches

storm trooper

The Coolector is a fan of LEGO safe to say but, lacking in creativity as we are, we wouldn’t have dreamt of doing anything as awesome as these Brick Sketches from Chris McVeigh. It takes a pretty creative mind to conceive new ideas from the ordinary and that’s exactly what top notch author and illustrator, McVeigh, has done here with these Brick Sketches.

Using the free to use LEGO Digital Designer, which is basically a consumer level CAD package, McVeigh has skillfully wielded his hand to create a stunning array of pop culture icons using nothing but self-designed LEGO bricks. Each of his pieces are assembled by hand on 12×16 inch canvasses and, I think you’ll agree, the end product is pretty cool to say the least. We here at The Coolector are happy to lend our support to anyone capable of crafting a LEGO Bobba Fett and that’s exactly what McVeigh has achieved with this undeniably brilliant design project. Check out some of his other top notch pieces below:


Check out the rest of McVeigh’s LEGO awesomeness over at

Leo Davie
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