The Art of Mr Werewolf

There is something about jarring artwork which superbly comingles seemingly old style painting with modern elements that definitely appeals to our sensibilities here at Coolector HQ and few examples are better than the, frankly stunning, Art of Mr Werewolf which is amongst our favourite artwork out there along with the creations of Simon Stalenhag.

The Art of Mr Werewolf has a similar style to Stalenhag insomuch as it is a recognisable landscape which has an element that looks out of place and, in this case, it is typically robotic looking machines that are waging war on battlefields. We’re loving the way in which the artwork of Mr Werewolf draws you in with the unusual conjunction of styles and you can check out a few of our favourite pieces from this supremely talented artist below:










Whilst we’re by no means a cultured bunch at Coolector HQ, there are certain types of artwork that we simply find too good to be ignored and The Art of Mr Werewolf definitely falls into this bracket. If you’re equally as impressed with art that is little out of the ordinary and gives weird glimpses into alternative futures (or pasts) then you’ll likely join us in loving this superb series of artwork.

See More: The Art of Mr Werewolf

Leo Davie
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