LG 105 Inch Curved Television

Whilst no one really needs an 105 inch television which, to put into perspective is over eight feet, it sure would be nice to have one. At least that’s the mindset that we have here at Coolector HQ so we’ve had our heads well and truly turned by the stunning looking LG 105′ Curved Television which will be making its debut at this year’s CES Event in Las Vegas.

This beast of a television is undoubtedly an impressive piece of kit that, on top of the stunning size and curvature of the screen, also offers 11 million pixel screen resolution which, in conjunction with the curved screen, means that you get an impeccable viewing experience from almost every conceivable angle.

If you’ve got a room that can accommodate such an expansive screen, you’ll be rewarded with a televisual experience quite beyond compare and when these hit the market later this year, we’ll be the first in line for one – with a big ass trolley.

See More: LG Press Room

Leo Davie
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