Juan Carlos Paz Deconstructed Art

We’re far from conventional in terms of the artwork that we love here at The Coolector and, truth be told, we’ll always find ourselves gravitating towards the works of the likes of Simon Stalenhag, Scott Listfield and Mr Werewolf and you can add Juan Carlos Paz to that list with his brilliant Deconstructed Art series which takes many of your favourite pop culture characters and puts them through the blender so to speak.

The Juan Carlos Paz Deconstructed Art series really does resonate with our own art sensibilities and we love the bold, trippy visuals that have really captured the eye here. Juan Carlos Paz AKA Bakea Illustration has a highly distinctive design aesthetic that we love (and have indeed featured before) and this Deconstructed Art collection is probably our favourite of his works to date here at Coolector HQ.

Bold Visuals

Featuring characters from your favourite shows like Rick & Morty, The Simpsons and Spongebob alongside those from iconic films like Ghostbusters and Gremlins, this Deconstructed Art series from Juan Carlos Paz is definitely an eye-opener for pop culture aficionados. There is a real attention to detail that has gone into all these new pieces from Paz and, if you’re anything like us here at The Coolector, you’ll spend ages poring over the finer details of these exceptional illustrations.

The Juan Carlos Paz Deconstructed Art Series has really captured our imagination here at Coolector HQ and not just because we’re such big fans of the television programmes and movies that have served as the inspiration for Paz’s artwork. The quality of his handiwork really is second to none and we always find ourselves waiting with bated breath for when he has new illustrations to release because they never fail to impress.

This fantastic collection of artwork from Juan Carlos Paz is the latest in a long line of madcap designs that are typically featuring weird looking creatures and aliens and he has applied that same zany style and aesthetic to pop culture icons with this latest body of work. The talented illustrator, who operates out of Madrid in Spain, is definitely one of our favourites and it’s because of mesmerisingly detailed series of art like this that it is the case.

Pop Culture Icons

Whilst there are plenty of our favourite TV and movie icons already having come under the microscope of Juan Carlos Paz for this Deconstructed Art series, we’re hoping that he expands it further to other television and silver screen stars as there is certainly plenty of scope to do so with the likes of Game of Thrones, Stranger Things et al all perfectly suited to being give the Paz treatment.

If you love bold, eye-catching illustration as much as us then Juan Carlos Paz is an artist that definitely needs to be on your radar and, chances are, that this Deconstructed Art series will be the collection that seals the deal. If you love the likes of Ghostbusters, Rick & Morty and Gremlins and want to see them displayed in a sort of mind-altering way, this is the artwork for you.

Leo Davie
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