Scott Reinhard Maps

There is something deeply mesmerising about maps and the world of cartography and this lends itself to making wonderful artwork for your wall. If you’ve got a love for vintage styled maps that positively pop off the page, these amazing looking Scott Reinhard Maps are definitely going to be right up your street. Clever use of perspective really makes these maps stand out and we’re loving the attention to detail that has gone into each and every one.

The Scott Reinhard Maps are high quality 2D prints (though they look 3D to most) which expertly combine historic maps with contemporary data to deliver a really striking piece of artwork that will immediately draw the eye. These fantastic pieces from Reinhard come in an array of different choices and with prices for these maps starting at just $55 they represent a great opportunity to add a touch of vintage class to the walls of your home office.

Devil in the Detail

Vintage style maps were, of course, meticulously detailed because there was no GPS back in the day and this level of detail adds a whole new level of aesthetic superiority to these ace looking Scott Reinhard Maps. The Brooklyn-based graphic designer has worked at the highest level of print and digital graphic design for over a decade and this foray into mapping and land visualisation brings a new eye and approach to how we imagine the landforms around us.

Whilst they look 3D at first glance, these Scott Reinhard Maps are actually two-dimensional and achieve the 3D look by making use of 3-dimensional data with paper maps to create an image that looks like it popping off the page. Each one is a high-quality chromogenic print and there are all sorts of brilliant maps to choose from including our favourite here at Coolector HQ in the shape of the immeasurably striking State of California Geology Map from 1916.

In order to create these stunning pieces of cartography inspired artwork, Reinhard pulls elevation data gleaned from the United States Geological Survey, which he then embeds with location information and combines it with the original design of the old maps to create a compelling visual impact that is impossible to ignore. These glorious looking maps let you gain a better sense of the topography to be found in vast areas without aerial photography, while also developing an impactful piece of artwork for bringing any wall to life.

Visualising History

Map making was once a huge business not to mention an essential one and it’s great to see maps of yesteryear being immortalised in such a striking visual way with this fantastic collection of artwork from Scott Reinhard. By visualizing the history that shaped a location’s composition at a large scale, Reinhard is capable of spotting trends in the environment in a more localised way. These forces affect how we tackle our daily environments, but are hard to comprehend without taking the time to zoom out, or look at from above.

If you’ve got a long held penchant for vintage style maps and are on the lookout for some new artwork for your walls in 2019, you’ll be in your absolute element with these wonderfully inventive pieces from Reinhard. With plenty of different locations and styles to choose from and a mighty reasonable price tag of just $55, you’ll be adding a few to your workspace if you’re anything like us here at The Coolector.

Leo Davie
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