Z Flex Skateboards

One of these days, just not this day, we here at Coolector HQ are going to try to be considerably less lazy and become engaged in some outdoor pursuits and, in this regard, we’ve got our eyes firmly fixed on skateboarding because we can firmly get on board (if you’ll excuse the terrible pun) with the laid back lifestyle of the skateboarding fraternity. Our first step to getting into this spiffing pursuit will be picking a suitable steed and we think that in Z-Flex Skateboards we’ve found exactly that.

Z-Flex Skateboards are famed for their innovation and they are so named due to the Zephyr skateboarding team who operated out of Santa Monica in the 1970s who were world-renowned as one of the finest team of skaters and their skills gave rise to the Z-Flex series of skateboards you see before you and the excellent video above does a great job of showcasing a little of the heritage of the brand. Z-Flex are innovators in their field and they are continually trying out new ideas to help make for a smoother skating experience and the visual appeal of their boards is second to none.

One of the longest runner skateboarding companies in existence, Z-Flex’s heritage certainly speaks for itself and they are well known amongst keen skaters for the considerable calibre of their boards so, if like us, you’re planning on getting into skateboarding perhaps then you’ll certainly not go too far wrong with an eye-catching Z-Flex board. You can check out some of their awesome looking wares below:





We in no doubt that we’d make terrible skateboarders here at The Coolector when we eventually do make our way onto these four wheels but at least with a Z-Flex Skateboard, we might look a little cool whilst doing it. Until the inevitable event of us stacking it and calling it quits.

Available: Z-Flex UK

Leo Davie
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