
I’m not sure what it is with us and sideways scrollers here at Coolector HQ (what with our recent coverage of Counterspy) but when you come across a game as incredible looking as Inside, it would be a fallacy not to report upon it and that’s the situation we now find ourselves in.

Inside is the latest offering from the team behind the darkly atmospheric, Limbo, that caused a considerable stir when it was released back in 2010 and now PlayDead are back with a bigger and better offering that has left us nothing short of mesmerised here at The Coolector. The game follows a young protagonist as he endeavours to break into a dystopian workcamp that boasts some eye-catching backdrops of industrially designed architecture and the same sort of arresting visuals that made Limbo such a surprise hit.

PlayDead are an independent game maker operating out of Copenhagen in Denmark and were founded by Arnt Jensen and Dino Patti and now boast an impressive roster of 25 developers on their staff which is admirably reflective in the awesome looking games they are producing with Inside looking like it will be their new zenith. If you’re a fan of the sort of games that actually make you think and immerse you in the action, we here at Coolector HQ think that Inside might be the next must-have game of this ilk and we can’t wait for it to hit shelves next year.

See More: PlayDead

Leo Davie
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