Little Mountain T-Shirts

God knows we’re suckers for T-shirts here at Coolector HQ and there will seldom be a moment in the day when we’re not casting our net over the web in search of a hitherto unbeknownst to us brand to fall for and this tumble has just taken place now we’ve discovered Little Mountain and their, frankly top notch, array of T-shirts which would keep even the staunchest tee naysayer happy.

Little Mountain operate out of Lincoln, Nebraska, and are the work of a talented fellow by the name of Joe Horacek who was inspired by the beauty of his native Nebraska to create the fantastic array of tees that have already emerged from the presses of his printing factory. If you’re wondering where the name Little Mountain originates, Horacek is Czech for “Little Mountain” so it is definitely a suitable moniker for his company.

Printed tees with simple, outdoors-esque graphics are a distinct weakness of ours here at The Coolector so you’ll not be surprised to hear that Little Mountain deliver on both these fronts wonderfully well and we’ve spent plenty of time perusing their digital shelves and we’re yet to encounter a tee within our purview that we wouldn’t happily have adorning our portly frames. Check out a few of our favourites below:




The T-shirts from Little Mountain Print Shoppe are all hand printed and are the result of years of work by Horacek to really perfect the craft – something which he accomplished through the use of different materials and production processes until, finally, we ended up with the superb selection of tees you see before you.

We’re big advocates of those who strive to reach their goals and this is certainly applicable of the Little Mountain Print Shoppe which has been a life’s passion for Horacek and we, for one, are glad that he found an old photo in one of his parent’s photo albums of rolling hills because, without that, we wouldn’t have these painfully awesome T-shirts.

See More: Little Mountain

Leo Davie