Ben Vessey iOS Dynamo Wallpapers

If you’ve got an iPhone that you want to jazz up a bit, Ben Vessey is a designer than needs to be well and truly on your radar. His latest release is these excellent looking iOS Dynamo Wallpapers which will add a whole new visual element to charging your iPhone in 2021. Visually vibrant and boasting an impactful aesthetic that will always turn heads, these wallpapers can be downloaded from his site.

These Ben Vessey iOS Dynamo Wallpapers make use of automation Shortcuts to change dynamically depending on your iPhone’s battery life, and whether or not your phone is on charge. Not only does this create a striking, engaging interaction, it also enhances the visual communication of the charging cycle. Take your home screen personalisation to the next level with these cracking Dynamo Wallpapers that can be yours for £3.99.

Enhanced Visuals

If you want to be a little different with your iPhone home screen and not have the bog-standard family picture, these Ben Vessey iOS Dynamo Wallpapers would definitely be a top pick of ours here at Coolector HQ. They are available in two different packs, with each pack consisting of three sets of dynamic wallpapers that will really bring your screen to life.

The Ben Vessey iOS Dynamo Wallpapers come in two different packs. Firstly, there is the Apple Pack which is three different, colourful designs based upon the Apple design vernacular and boasting the sort of eye-catching visuals that iPhone users will demand of their smartphone.

Last but not least, there is the Faces Pack which, as the name suggests, uses faces to illuminate your iPhone’s home screen and charging screen. These are extremely playfully designed and will really bring a smile to your face whenever you see your phone now and, perhaps, will stop you reaching for it every two seconds for some mindless scrolling.

Leo Davie
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