ALPA Anniversary Edition Camera

Now, we’re not going to lie, spending in excess of $20k on a camera isn’t exactly in our wheelhouse right now here at Coolector HQ but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy impeccable design and craftsmanship nonetheless and that’s why we’re loving this extraordinary ALPA Anniversary Edition Camera.

A celebration of two important anniversaries for the ALPA brand, namely when they began making cameras in the 1940s and when they were resurrected again in 1996, this spectacular looking camera is a real nod to their vintage hey-day and the quality of the craftsmanship is, quite simply, second to none.

If you’re wanting to get your hands on a camera which is not only technologically magnificent but also has a unusual, distinctive retro aesthetic, you’ll get everything that you’re looking for with the ALPA Anniversary Edition Camera. Check out a few more shots below:







Limited to a mere 20 sets, you’ll need to be quick to get your hands on one of these exceptional looking cameras which comes replete with all sort of traditional style camera film and apparatus to add to its unparalleled vintage appeal. We’re loving the concept here at The Coolector but it’s the $20k+ price tag which is going to see us unable to be taking the selfies with this incredible looking device.

See More: ALPA

Leo Davie