The Assassin’s Creed franchise is not one that we’ve ever really got into here at Coolector HQ but having invested in a PS4 and born witness to this Alpha footage of the upcoming Assassin’s Creed: Unity on the console, we’re having to readdress this lack of engagement with the franchise because, truth be told, it looks spectacular.
The video may only be little over a minute long but if its indicative of the gameplay footage we can expect from the next instalment of Assassin’s Creed then we here at The Coolector are certainly sold. The game looks set to be centred around the French Revolution and the footage shows some rather striking footage of Notre Dame in Paris amongst the many spectacular visuals to be gleamed from the brief but brilliant trailer.
If you’re already a fan of the Assassin’s Creed games, this footage will likely have you frothing at the mouth but if, like us, you’re yet to really play the games, it will likely turn you into a convert. The game has been in production for three years now and it is a next generation console exclusive created by the talented team at Ubisoft and the attention to detail in the graphics and the jaw-dropping visuals certainly look as though we’ll be in for a treat when it hits the shelves later this year.
See More: Ubisoft