Astell & Kern AK100 Music Player

Whilst Apple’s grip on the portable music player market is vice like to say the least, there are those out there who want to be shepherds rather than sheep and will branch out and see what else is out there to choose from and, from an aesthetic point of view at least, we’ve not seen many better than Astell & Kern’s amazing looking AK100 Music Player.

The Astell & Kern AK100 Music Player boasts a minimalist design that will appeal to those who like their gadgets to be simple and effective and it offers an awful lot of functionality to go alongside its fantastically conceived design. Built with the intention of being the perfect union between engineering and design, the AK120 Music Player has definitely left us impressed with its capabilities here at Coolector HQ.

Billed as the new standard in listening to music which might be somewhat of a stretch given the dominance of other devices on the market, we must admit we have definitely been won over by the design principles behind this superb looking offering from audio experts, Astell & Kern. This cracking device has an awful lot of technology going on under the hood and it will deliver an unparalleled level of sound quality. Check out a few more shots of this impressive looking construct below:





Looking extremely industrial but undeniably sleek, the AK100 Music Player from Askell & Kern is obviously not going to win over any Apple fan-boys but for those who are prepared to try new options, it could just be the ideal solution. Magnificently design and with equally as impressive technical specifications, it’s not going to be an iPod beater but it has definitely got our design vote here at Coolector HQ.

See More: Astell & Kern