Drive Watch

When it comes to watchmaking, there are typically all sorts of inspirations that will inform the design and in the case of this concept…

DPTR Clamshell Wallet

Minimalism is our bag here at Coolector HQ and this is particularly the case when it comes to our everyday carry such as wallets….

Sphero BB-8 Droid

Safe to say, the minute the new Star Wars movie comes out in a few months time, most of us will want to surround…

Bike Butler

Whilst it might be galling to think about servicing your bike with a butler when you don’t have one, this isn’t along the lines of…

Anza Coffee Machine

When it comes to kitchen apparatus and the materials used in its construction, concrete isn’t one that you’d typically think of but the Anza…

Metal Shop Bullet Pencil

We don’t have cause to use pencils a great deal here at Coolector HQ so it stands to reason that when we do use…

Wes Anderson Postcards

When it comes to movie directors inspiring design, few can hold a candle to Wes Anderson and his immeasurably quirky movies have long been…