GOBAG Backpack

With a tagline of ‘think small, pack big’, it might seem not to be the best indication of a backpack’s carrying credentials but it’s…


We like robots here at The Coolector. We also like great woodwork projects and that is exactly the reason that we love this smashing…

Big Red Beard Company

Though we’ve never grown facial hair to the extent it could be properly classified as a beard here at The Coolector, we are only…


Though it probably wouldn’t look right pulling up outside your local supermarket, the Ripsaw EV2 Luxury Tank is unquestionably a vehicle that has considerable…

Awair Air Quality Monitor

Air quality isn’t something that we spend undue amounts of time fretting about at Coolector HQ but having awesome looking products is and that’s…

Wood Slices

We’ve got our favourite style of art here at Coolector HQ and madcap is invariably it and that’s why we’ve got more than a…

Ace Hotel + Tokyo Bike

Having been to an Ace Hotel, we know just how cool they are here at Coolector HQ so we were understandably delighted when we…

One Night Stand

Both humorously monikered and supremely well designed, it’s hard not to fall for the brilliant looking One Night Stand from Uruguayan product designer, Andrea…