uhu02 Paperwork

Given our unparalleled ineptitude in the world of DIY and how utterly unskilled we are with our hands here at Coolector HQ, we always…


To be honest, it’s not always the mind-blowing, jaw-dropping gadgets that garner our attention here at Coolector HQ, it is often the ones that…

Monsieur Bojangles Bracelets

Now, bracelets aren’t typically something that we would wear here at Coolector HQ but given our proclivity for branding and the fact the chap…

The Grand Budapest Hotel Book

Having been fans of Wes Anderson’s unique, charming and sometimes baffling style of cinematography, we welcomed the news of his 2014 masterpiece, The Grand…

Geezer Tight Knits Ties

Though we’re not really ones for ties here at Coolector HQ, insomuch as we’ve seldom got cause to wear one, we’re in no doubt…

Lightmark Bookmark

Though it is somewhat of a shame, it is clear that not many people read actual, tangible books as much as they used to…

The Sabertooth

To be perfectly honest, we’ve probably got more beer liberating implements here at Coolector HQ then we’ll ever be able to legitimately use but…