Tait Design Co YoYo

There probably won’t be a man alive over the age of thirty who won’t fondly recall the iconic childhood toy of the YoYo and…

Blamo Toys

We’ve only one real prerequisite when it comes to the toys we favour here at Coolector HQ and that is merely that they have…

Inkleaf Double Cross Wallet

Watches and wallets are amongst our principal passions here at Coolector HQ and we’ve forever got our eyes open for some fantastic fare to…

Pilot & Captain Cardinal Candles

Ordinarily speaking, candles are really the sort of fare that we’d typically cover on the pages of The Coolector but when they’ve been crafted…

The Beambox

It is fair to say that a small amount of brands seem to have the stereo market well and truly wrapped up but this…

This War Of Mine

When it comes to videogames based on war nowadays, most people’s first thoughts will turn to the likes of Call Of Duty which thrusts…

XPOST Watches

Minimalistic wristwatches are certainly something that appeals to our design desires here at Coolector HQ but it is easy to not quite get the…

Inspire 1 Drone

Technology is patently improving all the time and one piece of gadgetry that we’re consistently casting our beady eyes on here at Coolector HQ…

Finger Hat Viking Helmet

Never has one thing been so utterly pointless but at the same time entirely essential as something we’ve just stumbled across here at Coolector…

Whipping Post Weekender Bag

The importance of having a versatile travelling bag can’t be understated for any man who regularly commutes or travels overseas on weekend excursions but…

Mr Knox Wooden Safe

To be perfectly honest, we can think of a few pressing security issues inherent in a safe made out of wood but, fortunately, this…

Honey + Salt Prints

We eat and drink an awful lot here at Coolector HQ, certainly more than we should, and for that reason, we invariably keep our…