The Balmorhea Bag by Texas Rover

Every now and then, you know it’s time to ramp up your own personal style and move on from your current wardrobe or carry and, so far as the latter is concerned, you’re not going to find many options classier than this spiffing The Balmorhea Bag from Texas Rover.

The Balmorhea Bag is not only one of the most aesthetically pleasing carries that you’re going to come across this year, it also happens to be one of the most rugged, durable and versatile to boot. This excellent looking offering boasts a whole host of impressive features that will have you wanting to make it your next must have men’s accessory which include full-grain leather finish and solid brass hardware buckles.

Though it’s unquestionably at the higher end of the price spectrum for a duffel, The Balmorhea Bag ticks all of our style boxes at Coolector HQ and, as always, you get what you pay for. Available in two different sizes – a weekender for short trips and traveller for those longer trips – this decidedly dapper carry made in the USA from the finest materials and won’t let you down whether you use it every day of just for those breaks away. Check out a few more shots below:

Joshua Anderson for the Texas Rover Company

Joshua Anderson for the Texas Rover Company

Joshua Anderson for the Texas Rover Company

Joshua Anderson for the Texas Rover Company

Joshua Anderson for the Texas Rover Company

Joshua Anderson for the Texas Rover Company

Joshua Anderson for the Texas Rover Company


Joshua Anderson for the Texas Rover Company

Joshua Anderson for the Texas Rover Company

Joshua Anderson for the Texas Rover Company

Unparalleled in the style department and supremely well crafted, The Balmorhea Bag will be the ideal solution for those looking for a top of the range carry over the next 12 months and it will last you until you’re ready to ramp up your carry game again.

See More: Texas Rover