Heating your back yard or deck just got knocked up a notch courtesy of the Big Timber Elite Revere Edition Heater from the guys at Wood Pellet Products and the good news keeps on coming with this one as you can currently snag it for a bargain price of $1699 – down from the regular price of $2149. Win, win.

The Big Timber Elite Revere Edition Heater has a super cool looking, stainless exterior and has virtually no smoke so won’t have you coughing whilst it keeps you and your friends warm whilst enjoying a craft beer or two in the backyard. Each one of these colossally cool heaters is crafted in the Pacific Northwest and the stainless steel patina really does elevate the overall aesthetic of this classy heater above the competition.

Heating the steel initiates a chemical reaction between iron and oxygen that creates a thin oxide layer on the metal and from the very first burn, this awesome offering from Wood Pellet Products will begin to change colours. Gold, Purple, Blue, and Green will continue to develop on the firebox and pipe the more the heater is used so it will begin to take on an aesthetic that is unique to you and the number of times you fire this bad boy up.

The Revere Edition Heater delivers unparalleled performance and style into one great-looking product that we’re loving here at Coolector HQ. Providing head-to-toe heat is the focus of this top-notch product but with the added bonus of a sophisticated stainless steel design that increases its attractiveness exponentially. Requiring no electricity, this Revere’s flame is powered only by gravity and the draft stemming from the stove pipe. Impressive stuff indeed.

Using wood pellets as an eco-friendly alternative fuel just makes sense when compared to the high price and inefficiency of propane and another reason why the Revere Edition Heater should be on top of your list if you’re in the market for one right now. Pellets run at a quarter of the operating cost, while producing twice the amount of BTU’s.

With a 2.5hr burn time and 450sq ft heating radius, there is a pleasing performance to this heater from Wood Pellet Products and you can use the damper dial to lower or raise temps by 250° as you see fit. Want a big, bold and uncompromising means of heating your yard in 2023? The Big Timber Elite Revere Edition definitely gets our vote.