We drink a lot of beverages here at Coolector HQ and, to our shame, we seldom use coasters which inevitably leads to plenty of water marks on desks but we think that we might have found something that will make us much more house-trained in the form of these decidedly excellent looking Brain Specimen Coasters that despite seemingly quite macabre are all sorts of awesome.
The ten set coaster collection each has a slightly different cross section of a brain so, when stacked, will create a 3D recreation of a human brain in much the same way as a microtome. Looking like something gleamed from the set of Dexter or CSI, there will be plenty of chaps who will love having such an unusual item to keep their beverage away from tabletops and we’re certainly fans of the quirkiness here at The Coolector. Check out a few more shots below:
Each of the glass coasters has a section of brain printed on it and is a celebration of the most powerful human organ and we’re loving the clever design of this spiffing little accessory. If you’re in the market for something a little out of the ordinary on which to serve your drinks then we dare say that you’ll find few things more suitable than these top notch Brain Specimen Coasters.
Price: $19.99
See More: Think Geek