Whilst it’s fair to say that we seldom spend our spare time working on jigsaws here at Coolector HQ, we’ve got an awful lot of time for the National Parks of America and anything that joins us in celebrating their awesomeness is alright in our book. It’s for this reason that we’ve had our heads turned by this excellent looking Brainstorm National Parks Puzzle and for those of you with an affinity for jigsaws and the likes of the Grand Canyon, this will be right up your street.
The Brainstorm National Parks Puzzle is, as the name suggests, a jigsaw that takes its inspiration from some of America’s most loved natural beauties and includes parks like Death Valley, Grand Teton and Yosemite amongst the designs that you’ll be piecing back together. It’s a 1000 piece puzzle so it’s not one for the amateurs out there and will require a good deal of dedication to reunite all the pieces with their counterparts.
National Treasure
The United States has an abundance of riches when it comes to National Parks and that’s exactly what this Brainstorm Puzzle is celebrating. It is a digitally printed, full-colour jigsaw that will look great when you’ve managed to put all the parts together again. This striking jigsaw puzzle is going to need someone with some considerable patience as it’s got quite a lot of white spaces which often throws a spanner in the works when trying to piece jigsaws together.
Measuring 19 x 26′, this is definitely one of the largest puzzles on the market and is likely to take a good few hours (or years in our case) to see this one through to fruition. The Brainstorm National Parks Puzzle is made in the USA and a percentage of each sale goes to the National Park Foundation meaning that if you purchased this great looking jigsaw, you will be doing your part in helping maintain these glorious parks for future generations.
Jigsaws are something that you often need the patience of a saint for and as we’re sadly lacking in this virtue here at Coolector HQ, we already know that the chances of us being capable of finishing Brainstorm’s National Parks Jigsaw are negligible at best. There are plenty of other, more hardy and patient souls out there, however, who are more than up to completing this challenge and the fact that the purchase helps raise money for the parks themselves is the icing on the cake.
Jigsaw Genius
With Christmas right around the corner, jigsaws are a gifting staple and they don’t come much better (or probably harder) than this super cool offering from Brainstorm. If you know someone with a real love of puzzle solving or the US National Parks, this will certainly make for an excellent present this festive period.
Brainstorm are best known for their art prints but if this top notch offering is anything to go by, they’ve got the skills to enter the competitive world of jigsaws as well. For a great cause, suitably challenging and an engaging puzzle visually, there’s an awful lot to like here.