There are few things more annoying and disruptive to The Coolecter’s daily commute than that of the morning scavenger hunt for keys and wallet because, alas, I’m not one for organisation and will invariably leave these items on the nearest flat surface that I come across. As such, I’ve always been in the market for a stylish and eye-catching unit that is capable of being my go-to guy for the various accessories that I carry around with me and I’ve found exactly that in the form of this devilishly attractive The Butler from Micklish.
Crafted from solid Walnut and Baltic ply wood, the aesthetically pleasing design is definitely the sort of thing we appreciate at The Coolector and given the 10 inch wide by 9 inch high dimensions, it certainly won’t be an obtrusive addition to your property and will doubtless add exponentially to the visual appeal in fact. This exemplary piece is designed to fit your phone, keys, wallet and various other bits and bobs that you’ll likely want to decant when you walk through the door in the evening.
This impressive piece is the work of Curtis Micklish, a talent designer from San Diego, California, and, if The Butler is anything to go by, he’s definitely one we will be keeping an eye on here at The Coolector.
Find out more at Micklish.