Smartphones are deeply entrenched in most people’s day to day life and there really isn’t many moments that go by where our phone is out of our reach. Well, things might just have got knocked up a notch courtesy of a rather impressive looking device that goes by the name of Cicret and which boasts a decidedly Minority Report-esque vibe to it that definitely appeals to our sensibilities here at Coolector HQ.
The Cicret Band is, basically, a small wristband which boasts the ability to project your emails, texts and other key pieces from your smartphone straight onto your skin so if, for whatever reason, you can’t grab your phone and want to quickly and simply have your data presented to you, the Cicret Band looks as though it’s going to be somewhat of a technological godsend.
All technology fans are waiting patiently for the sort of devices that offer a sci-fi level of interaction and, whilst it is still in the formative, pre-production stages, the Cicret Band looks as though its going to deliver on this front. The ability to answer calls, check messages and play games on your forearm will be something that might not necessarily appeal to all but to those of us who are technology obsessed, it is certainly something to get excited about and we can’t wait to see this device in action when it eventually hits the market. Check out some more shots below:
For the gadget obsessed, the Cicret Band will unquestionably appeal and though it is not yet ready for release, we’ve got our fingers well and truly crossed here at The Coolector that it will find its way onto the market in 2015. The great video above really does a great job of showcasing the potential possibilities of the Cicret Band and its accompanying app and if you’ve been left desperately wanting one of these on your wrist then you’ll need to head over to their site and show your support.
See More: Cicret