For anyone who spends a good deal of time outdoors, trekking, camping and other outdoorsy pursuits, there are few more useful things than the humble knot but most people don’t know any than the most basic fare (us included) so this fantastic looking Colter Co Know Your Knots Bandana might just be the ideal accessory to have in your back pocket the next time you head out into the wild.
This superbly designed bandana from USA outdoors brand, Colter Co, boasts 16 different types of knot printed on the eye-catching and stylish bandana and there’s knot types in there tailored towards sailor, camping and the great outdoors in general which are sure to come in handy from time to time.
The bandana itself is an extremely useful accessory for the great outdoors but its even more useful when it’s chock full of knot ideas that can help you put up camp or ensure things are well tethered to where they should be. Established knots like the whipping knot, butterfly and bowline know are all found on this cracking bandana and you should definitely consider having one tucked away the next time you’re off camping. Check out a couple more shots below:
We can’t remember we’ve tied a knot of any real importance here at Coolector HQ but there is undoubtedly plenty of chaps out there who will need to tie knots on a regular basis and this awesome looking bandana will act as the ideal crib sheet for making sure they use the most suitable knot for the occasion.
A real celebration of the great outdoors, this first rate, American made accessory is right up our design street at The Coolector and if you know an outdoorsman with an affinity for knots, this should be residing in their pocket as we speak.
See More: Colter Co
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