Children’s book hold a certain nostalgia for us here at Coolector HQ but having know grown up we’re after something with a bit more bite and we’ve found exactly that in the form of these painfully awesome Children’s Book style Movie Prints from a super talented chap by the name of Cooley.
Taking many of our favourite movie classics such as The Big Lebowski, Fight Club and Goodfellas and giving them the children’s book style treatment, Cooley’s awesome illustrations are definitely right up our street. Check out a few of our favourites below:
As you can see, some of the most iconic lines uttered in some of your favourite movies take on a whole new perspective when they are applied to children’s books and its a perspective that we here at Coolector headquarters thoroughly enjoy. Cooley’s prints are available to purchase and you can rest assured that we’ll be hanging aplenty upon our walls.
See More: Cooley Store