Cotton Bureau T-Shirts

There are obviously thousands of talented designers the world over and not all of them will have the knowledge base or financial backing to get their designs noticed but courtesy of excellent websites like Cotton Bureau more and more of these skilled illustrators and graphic designers are getting their work noticed on this T-shirt design community that allows designers to submit their artwork for a tee and, if it proves suitably popular, it will go into mainstream production.

Cotton Bureau takes all of the grunt work out of T-shirt printing for those designers who have great illustrations and typography they want to commit to tees but don’t necessarily have the resources to do so. Having spent some time over on the Cotton Bureau website, it’s safe to say its definitely a worthwhile project because there are some fantastic looking T-shirts being submitted to their project. We’re massive fans of printed tees here at Coolector HQ so anyone making it easier for talented designers to get their work noticed is OK in our book and that’s exactly what the chaps at Cotton Bureau are doing.

In order for a shirt to be successful, it needs to sell a minimum of twelve and those that do will then go into full scale production and become permanent fixtures on the Cotton Bureau website. If you’re in the market for some new printed tees that aren’t the regular fare you’d typically find on the high street then we here at The Coolector have no hesitation in pointing you in the direction of the Cotton Bureau.

See More: Cotton Bureau