In the post Corona world, we’re all going to ramp up our endeavours to keep things as clean and germ free as possible and so far as keeping hydrated on the go is concerned, investing in one of these CrazyCap Water Bottles is an absolute no-brainer in our opinion here at The Coolector. CrazyCap ensures peace of mind with on-the-go sterilisation technology built right in the bottle cap.
Make your drinking water safe in just 60 seconds with the CrazyCap Water Bottles which use Integrated Deep UV LED to sterilise your water effortlessly and each bottle has a 7-day rechargeable USB battery for the ultimate in versatile performance. Available in an array of different colors and designs, the CrazyCap Water Bottle is an essential addition to one’s EDC over the coming months and we’ll certainly be getting our hands on some here at The Coolector.
Deceptively simple on the face of it, it’s hard not to be impressed with the innovative design of these CrazyCap Water Bottles. The 100% UVC LED sterilising delivers maximum performance for its entire lifecycle and the 278nm DUV outright destroys all pathogens and microorganisms. Boasting an average life use of 500k, these CrazyCap Water Bottles provide up to 8 million ounces of drinking water.

The CrazyCap Water Bottles uses UV Sterilisation where biological organisms such as viruses, bacteria, pathogens, etc are exposed to UV light, and the proteins present on the cell walls rupture and causes the death of the microorganisms. This effect is further enhanced when cells stop replicating as genetic material (its RNA and DNA) from thymine dimers up on absorption of UV light. It is this clever application of scientific principles that really sets these CrazyCap Bottles apart from the competition.

There is no mercury in the CrazyCap Water Bottles because what good is removing bacteria if you end up with a neurologically toxic metal? Thanks to recent developments in LED technology and CrazyCap’s next-generation design, they are able to achieve the optimal light spectrum without using any mercury. You just fill your bottle with water from any debris-free source and as long as the water is transparent (so light can pass through it), you’re good to go.
All you need to do to activate your CrazyCap Bottle is gently double tap the touchpad for Normal Mode (for water from the tap and public fountains) and for “Crazy Mode” (i.e. water from lakes, ponds, etc.) tap it five times for a more thorough clean.

The prices for a CrazyCap Bottle start at just $69 which is a superb price for such a versatile and useful bit of EDC. We’re bowled over by the performance of the CrazyCap Bottles here at The Coolector and taking the cleanliness of your drinking water seriously is a must going forward so we’ll definitely be adding one to our own line up of wares.