Danish Fuel Bar Cabinet

Cocktails are something that we’ve got a lot of time for here at Coolector HQ (perhaps not as much time as we do for craft beer, but that’s another story) so you won’t be surprised to hear that a rather spiffing looking Kickstarter campaign – namely, this Danish Fuel Bar Cabinet – has thoroughly garnered our attention with the eye-catching design and great use of upcycled materials.

The Danish Fuel Bar Cabinet makes use of a essential piece of WWII equipment, the Jerry Can, to produce a wonderfully striking and supremely functional storage unit for all your favourite spirits and mixers (and other stuff too if you’re so inclined). This top notch design project has, unsurprisingly in our opinion, already stormed past its funding target on Kickstarter and this luxury bar cabinet is made with considerable care in Denmark to deliver the desired quality and to pay tribute to the quality of the materials used in its creation.

Cocktail O’Clock

With four new designs to choose from with this Kickstarter campaign, Danish Fuel are really pushing the boat out but these will be available in limited numbers of course as they use authentic Jerry Cans from WWII and this are in a finite supply. Some of the options will be reproduction cans (99 of these are available in the campaign) but the rest are real cans used in the World War II era. Upcycled in some considerable style, there can be few cooler means of displaying (and indeed concealing) your cocktail collection than this.

If you’ve got a penchant for eye-catching pieces of design as part of your interior design aesthetic, these Danish Fuel Bar Cabinets are certainly going to fit in with that. Stylish, great to look at and capable of housing a surprising amount of your favourite tipples, these expertly crafted cabinets are a real sight to behold. Available in a number of different colour ways and styles, you’re sure to find the right one for your own particular interior design style and they can be hung on the wall or placed on a counter top.

Jerry Cans are an iconic part of WWII history and it’s great to see them being repurposed and not simply going to waste in so silo or warehouse. Danish Fuel are literally rising phoenix like from the ashes after their workshop recently burnt down and this Kickstarter campaign aims to create a whole new legion of followers for their immeasurably striking luxury bar cabinets which we’re mighty eager to get our hands on here at Coolector HQ.

Interiors Excellence

A cocktail station is an essential addition to any home in our opinion and, truth be told, you’re not going to find many more awesome or unusual offerings than the Danish Fuel Bar Cabinets and the fact that they’re well on the way to doubling their funding target on Kickstarter is testament to the fact that there is a pretty big audience for such brilliant pieces of design as this clearly is.

If you’re on the hunt for the perfect storage solution for your various spirits and mixers, this would be our first pick at Coolector HQ. Painfully cool and with a real story to tell aesthetically, these brilliantly crafted and expertly conceived creations from Danish Fuel are definitely right up our street and you can grab your own for a bargain price over on Kickstarter now.