You can’t put a price on a good quality bag. Well, that’s not strictly true but, safe to say, you know when you find the right overnight bag and chances are you’ll keep using said bag until it literally disintegrates through overuse. We here at Coolector HQ think we’ve just stumbled across the next brand that will be supplying our overnight bags and they go by the name of Defy MFG Co.
This Chicago based brand were founded in 2008 and they’ve spent the last few years perfecting their craft and they are now one of the finest purveyors of apparel and accessories that we’ve come across in some time. Defy MFG Co. are the brainchild of Chicago art director, Chris Tag, who left behind a career in advertising and decided to embark on the quest of creating an all-American classic bag and we think he might just have nailed it with his spiffing array of carries.
Hand-crafted in Illinois, these great looking bags are definitely impressive on the eye and right up our sartorial street here at Coolector headquarters. Check out some of their fantastically crafted fare below:
If you’re in the market for a new carry and want one that is hand-crafted in the good old US of A, then you’ll have to go a long way to find a better choice than the spiffing array of bags on offer from Chicago’s Defy MFG Co.
Price: $195+
Available: Defy MFG Co
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