Whilst we’re the first to admit that we’re not the biggest car and automotive aficionados here at Coolector HQ, we’re definitely firm fans of bold, ground-breaking designs and there are few areas in which this has been more evident over the years than with the motoring trade and a fantastic looking exhibition at the High Museum of Art in Atlanta called Dream Cars celebrates some of the visionary designs that have bewitched car enthusiasts the world over and, safe to say, there are some extraordinary looking machines to feast your eyes upon.
When you look at the car designs of yesteryear, it becomes abundantly clear that today’s car designers might be playing things a little safe because there is simply no comparison from a visual point of view when you look at the sorts of vehicles that were being crafted decades ago. Needless to say, a lot of these vehicles forgo practicality in favour of aesthetic appeal but, let’s face it, when they look as spectacular as this, what’s not to like. Check out a few of the vehicles that you’ll be treated at the Dream Cars Exhibition in Atlanta, which runs through until September, below:
I’m sure you’ll join us in agreeing that there are so genuinely jaw-dropping feats of engineering above which includes the Buick Centurion, Chrysler Thunderbolt and the decidedly eye-catching Firebird by General Motors directly above.
If you’ve a love of cars and plan on being Atlanta in the next three months, we here at Coolector HQ can think of few better ways of whiling away a few hours than checking out some of the exceptional designs and contraptions that have been manufactured over the last half century or so. The Dream Car Exhibition at the High Museum will really make you appreciate the design process even more and whilst we won’t be able to make it in person, we’ll definitely be there in spirit.
See More: High Museum