They say that necessity is the mother of all invention. Well, we here at The Coolector whole-heartedly agree with that sentiment but we are also of the opinion that simplicity is the cornerstone of design and that is why we have been thoroughly impressed with this Nothing Fancy series of wallets by London based designer, Chieh Ting Huang.
Described as the “ultimate minimalist wallet solution”, we’d find it hard to disagree with that because it is a devilishly simple construct which merely consists of a single piece of leather and a custom-made rubber band. Nothing more, nothing less. It is exactly this sort of no-nonsense ingenuity that we adore at The Coolector and we think that Huang has hit the nail on the head with his excellent Nothing Fancy Wallets.
Huang, in his design of the Nothing Fancy series, endeavoured to reimagine the everyday accessory of the wallet and produce something more fitting for our contemporary lifestyle and, in doing so, has created a striking, functional and simplistic carry ideal for any modern man and, more importantly, it will reduce pocket clutter to a minimum – something that we here at The Coolector are both guilty of and abhore. If you need more evidence of the simplistic and awesome nature of the Nothing Fancy series of wallets, then check out our gallery below:
Read more about this project from Chieh Ting Huang on his site –