Whilst there is a saying that clothes maketh the man, we’re much more of the opinion that a well chosen wristwatch will go further to illuminating a chap’s sartorial standing and we’re thoroughly delighted to report that one of the best brands that we’ve stumbled across in the last 12 months is a newcomer from the UK that goes by the name of Farer and who, quite frankly, boast some of the best looking watches we’ve seen for some time.
To give you a little backstory on this first class British brand, they are a lifestyle brand who are concerning themselves with crafting watches for free-spirited, modern adventurers and this is something that positively shines through in their, already extensive, collections of watches. Given their relative newness to the market, the fact they’ve already managed to tot up seven magnificent collections of timepieces – including the Kingsley, Barnato, Stark, Carter and Mallory – these truly excellent watches couldn’t be more to our liking here at The Coolector.
With a price point that almost beggars belief given the quality on show, you’re sure to find a watch that is very much to your style leanings amongst the variety of options to be unearthed from Farer’s great looking website. Boasting English design coupled with Swiss craftsmanship, these watches from Farer are built upon solid foundations and with a wide array of straps to choose from (either top quality leather, NATO or Milanese metal) you’ll not be short of options when it comes to configuring the perfect combination for you. You can take a look at a few more watches from this impeccable English watchmaker below:
Seldom do you expect that such an aesthetically unparalleled watchmaker would herald from our own shores but Farer really have kicked things on for English brands so far as watches are concerned because both the aesthetics and the quality of the materials used in their construction well and truly sets them apart from the crowd.
For any man in the market for a top of the range watch without the four or five figure price tag, Farer watches are going to tick all of the right boxes. Ridiculously stylish, daring to boast their own aesthetic and a blend of classic lines and contemporary colours, you’ll not know which one of Farer’s excellent collections of watches to go for because they are all as good as each other and have their own impressive characteristics.
We’re all about our watches at The Coolector and we do spend a vast amount of time sniffing around for new brands and when one as exceptional as Farer comes along, it is a mighty rewarding experience. With such a diverse selection of watches to choose from and a truly mind-boggling price point given their fantastic quality on offer, we really cannot commend this British luxury lifestyle brand enough and can’t wait to see what else they come out with over the next 12 months.
See More: Farer Watches