Any apparel brand that takes their inspiration from coffee is definitely alright by us here at Coolector HQ and that’s why this brilliant brand that goes by the name of Fresh Kaufee has thoroughly caught our eye with their smashing collection of apparel and accessories.
Fresh Kaufee are a Dallas based purveyor of apparel and they were born out of their creator’s desire to produce clothing that aims to awaken the dormant creatives in the world and, given the pick me up capabilities of coffee, this brand has more chance than most. As our obsession with both coffee and brilliant printed tees is far from hidden, it isn’t difficult to see why we’re such big fans of Fresh Kaufee here at The Coolector and you can check out a few more of these top class printed tees below:
One of the chief appeals of Fresh Kaufee is the fantastic packaging in which you tee is delivered which you can see above and which is a really unique and engaging feature that definitely makes this Texan brand stand out from the crowd. If you’re a fan of both coffee and stylish, printed tees, Fresh Kaufee should definitely be one of your next ports of call when you’re adding more tees to your to your wardrobe rotation.
See More: Fresh Kaufee