Whilst Futurama never quite hit the dizzying heights of the other Matt Groening vehicle, The Simpsons, we here at The Coolector are firm fans of Fry, Leela, Zoidberg et al so we were understandably delighted when we came across this fantastic Futurama Cast Poster from DeviantArt illustrator, Unrellius, which somewhat mind-frazzingly includes every character to have appeared in the hit show to date.
This project, as you may expect, was quite the undertaking for Unrellius and took a mammoth 14 months to complete but, for any fan of Futurama, it would be seen as an essential purchase. A mightily impressive project which shows Unrellius’ love of the show and the dedication to create a truly unique and spiffing piece of fan art indeed. Check out a few more shots below:
An utterly fantastic nod to the excellence of the show and a real exhibition to one man’s dedication to showcasing his own appreciation of Futurama. There are a hell of a lot of characters who have appeared in New New York over the last few years and Unrellius has done a tip top job of capturing them all.
See Full Version: DeviantArt