Game Map Print

We’re pretty staunch videogame fans here at The Coolector so we will invariably look fondly upon anything that has a nod to the golden age of videogames and, of late, we’ve not seen many better or, indeed, more painstaking, than this awesome looking Game Map Print from design agency, We Are Dorothy, which is essentially a subway-esque map that uses videogames as its point of reference and, as you might expect, it is all sorts of awesome.

Mashing together pop-culture into a map format isn’t necessarily something new but when it’s done as well as this Game Map Print, it’s difficult not to be impressed. With classic games like Super Street Fighter, Shenmue and Monkey Island all putting in an appearance, there is plenty for any retro videogame fan to enjoy in this superbly realised and put together print. Check out a couple more shots of this cracking and essential workspace offering below:





If you know someone who has a fondness for retro videogames or if you yourself are the aficionado, this top class Game Map Print from We Are Dorothy will likely already be in your online basket as we speak. It is a highly distinctive print that appeals directly to both our typography and videogame love here at Coolector HQ and we’re very much of the opinion that we need one of these superb prints hanging on our wall post haste.

There are over 500 videogames represented in the Game Map Print and the layout of the map is very loosely based on the city of Tokyo which is the spiritual home of videogames to be honest. A top notch piece of design coupled with a remembrance of the good ol’ days of videogaming is all good in our eyes and we’re sure you’ll join us in wanting to get your hands on one of these spiffing prints.

See More: We Are Dorothy

Leo Davie
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