Whilst the keyring might not seem like the most exciting component of your everyday carry line-up, it’s certainly one of the most functional and, if you opt for one of these awesome looking Grovemade Aluminium Keyrings, it will be one of the most stylish as well.
Grovemade are regular fixtures on the pages of The Coolector with their first rate array of wares and accessories and the Aluminium Keyring is the latest entry into their ever-growing back catalogue of top notch goods. For those of you after an understated, robust and stylish keyring for your EDC, this will definitely tick all of the right boxes.
Robust Design
The great looking Aluminium Keyring from Grovemade is hewn from a solid block of pure high-strength aluminium which makes this key ring not only incredibly lightweight but also nigh-on indestructible. It boasts a lustrous polish that makes it appeal from an aesthetic point of view and you’ll not want to keep your keys in your pocket when you’ve got a keyring as accomplished as this one from Grovemade.
The Grovemade Aluminium Keyring has a design that is made to quickly and simply hook on and off your belt loop for easy access and can also be put in your pocket if you prefer as its small dimensions mean it doesn’t add a bulky profile to your pocket. Small but perfectly formed, this excellent piece of EDC is exactly the sort of wares we love here at Coolector HQ and it’s hard to argue with the quality of the craftsmanship on offer.
Perhaps best known for the wooden wares, it’s always great to see Grovemade branch out into other pieces of EDC that incorporate other materials and this cracking Aluminium Keyring is one of our favourites to date here at The Coolector – not least because it has a built in bottle opener for liberating those craft beers in a hurry (something particularly important as the warmer months are rolling in).
Quality Craftstmanship
Designed and manufactured in Portland, Oregon, the Grovemade Aluminium Keyring boasts the quality we’ve come to expect from this great lifestyle and accessories brand and if you’re looking for the final component of your EDC line up this spring, this might just be it.
Incredibly strong but pleasingly lightweight, this fantastic bit of everyday carry continues Grovemade’s rich tradition of delivering impeccable goods for affordable prices and this another of their wares that we’ll soon be adding to our list of well-made, functional and stylish EDC.
See More: Grovemade