Hard Graft Snap Wallet

A stylish wallet is one of the key accessories for any man and you can immediately tell when a man’s carry is cut from a finer cloth and that’s exactly the impression you get when you clap eyes on this sartorially spiffing Snap Wallet by Hard Graft. We’re often championing the causes of wallets here at Coolector HQ as they are one accessory that we’ve got a bit of a soft spot for and this exceptional offering is already staking its claim for our favourite of 2014.

This Hard Graft Snap Wallet is described by its creators as “rough elegance”and that’s something that we concur with at The Coolector. It is doubtless an aesthetically pleasing beast but it definitely doesn’t look like it will take any nonsense either so it will make for the perfect cash and card carrier for any manner of man.





Made by Italian leather artisans, the Snap Wallet is certainly a suave number and we’re impressed with the considerable attention to detail that has gone into its design. Combining premium leather with a layer Italian wool, you’ll not know whether to use this wallet to carry around your cards or to applaud its dapperness.

Price: £150

Available: Hard Graft