We like to think of awesomeness as a planet here at Coolector HQ and that we’re continually being pulled in by its gravitational pull and one such inhabitant of planet awesome is undoubtedly a talented chap by the name of Hatch and his rather superb series of artwork which can be yours to own.
We’re not particularly big fans of mundane, run of the mill artwork here at The Coolector and would much prefer our eyes to be entertained by less straightforward fare which is why we like stuff like Dave Pollot’s brilliant efforts and these equally cracking pieces of artwork from Hatch.
For those who don’t know, which included us until about five minutes ago, Hatch is the acquired moniker of London based artist and illustrator, Dave Smith, and the fact that this immeasurably talented fellow originates from our neck of the woods only serves to increase our favouritism of his work still further. Check out some of his best work below:
We wish that we had even a modicum of illustrative talent here at The Coolector but, lamentably, we do not and we have to make do with taking pleasure in other people’s considerable skills and Hatch has definitely garnered our attention with his brilliant looking pieces of artwork which we can’t help but feel will look more than a little awesome on the walls of Coolector headquarters.
Price: £15+
Available: Hatch Store