Whether you’re planning on working from home for the foreseeable future or intending to head back into the office, it’s important to think about your workspace and doing everything you can to optimise its health benefits, given that’s where you likely spend the vast majority of your day. It has been proven that standing desks are a big factor in improving posture and general well-being but they can be an incredibly expensive bit of kit. If you’re looking for a standing desk that doesn’t break the bank entirely, we’re pretty sure that these awesome looking Helves Standing Desks will tick all of the right boxes for you. Stylish, affordable and exceptionally functional, they will add a whole new layer to your current workspace set up. Literally.

Helves believes that we should all work in a way that is healthy for you and the environment. Sitting for hours can create long term health problems. Combining sitting & standing throughout the day has been shown to enhance your energy and mood. Helves offer sustainably FSC certified sourced Birch standing desks which will grow with you and ensure you have a happier, healthier working environment. Something we can all get on board with in this post-Covid world. Boasting a minimalist yet innovative design, these standing desks have definitely caught our eye here at Coolector HQ and if you’re looking to switch up the way you work going forward, look no further.
Stand To Deliver
Sustainability is at the forefront of the thinking for the guys at Helves and their excellent standing desks are crafted from sustainably sourced birch plywood which delivers a great aesthetic and robust performance for using day in, day out. Built to last for years, the three shelf design of these standing desks allows you to effectively configure the way you work and will ensure that you are no longer spending hours on ends hunched over your keyboard and doing your back and posture a disservice in the process.

Available in three different iterations – namely, Tall (£169), Wide (£187) and Classic (£153) – you can pick the one that best suits how you choose to work on a daily basis. The Tall is for those that might need a little extra height from their standing desk, the Wide is for those who have extra screens and will need additional space to accommodate them and the Classic is perfectly suited for any home office setup. The standing desks from Helves are billed as the modern ‘handle’ designed for the technology tool in your life and if you’re looking for a more streamlined working environment, you’ve just found it.

You don’t need to worry about spending a lot of time putting your standing desk together and it is simple to set your desk up in less than a minute. Use the shelves in the order and height you desire. A form that is flexible and lets you personalise the way you work in a healthier way for your body – what’s not to like? If you’re feeling a bit battered and bruised from sitting at an uncomfortable desk for hours on end, take control of your working environment and invest in one of these first-class Helves Standing Desks. They don’t cost the earth and they might just ramp up your productivity and general sense of well-being. Win, win.