There are plenty of tangible benefits to cold water to the human body and if you want to take advantage of said benefits, adding one of these brilliant Ice Barrels to your line up of home fitness accessories is definitely a good idea in our opinion here at The Coolector. It is lightweight, durable, and portable enough for use in a variety of situations and the excellent Ice Barrel delivers refreshing ice baths that we leave your feeling refreshed and invigorated.
These Ice Barrels are priced at $1199 so represent a sizeable investment but it’s one worth making if you want to give your aching muscles a real shot in the arm. It has been designed for most body types to sit in a comfortable upright position and the barrel’s sturdy lid keeps your water cool and debris-free whilst you enjoy your invigorating dunk.
Purpose built to conveniently bringing the benefits of ice baths to your backyard, these Ice Barrels boast an easy to use drainage system when it’s time to refresh your water and the heavy-duty barrel stand gives you easy access to drain spout. Each one comes with a water-resistant protective UV cover that keeps your barrel protected from the elements and the non-slip step stool makes getting in and out of barrel a breeze.
Made in the USA, there is a tangible sense of quality to these Ice Barrels and you’ll be blown away by the transformative effects cold water bathing can deliver. Whether you’re a daily user looking to upgrade your backyard setup or a first-timer looking to give cold immersion a try, the Ice Barrel will get you kitted out with all the equipment and accessories that you’ll require to make a relaxing cold plunge part of your daily routine. You’ll be glad you took the plunge.