Our reliance on technology is plain to see and we are, for all intents and purposes, slaves to our smartphones and other bits of kit. Whilst this isn’t necessarily a bad thing and is something that is both inevitable and we’re all guilty of to some extent or other, it is impossible not to notice how reliant we have come on technology in the 21st century. Well, it goes without saying that this over-reliance on technology is ripe for parody and we’ve come across an exceptional video from Big Lazy Robot that does exactly that and it goes by the name of iDiots – check it out above.
Big Lazy Robot are a design studio who herald from the Spanish city of Barcelona and whilst we haven’t encountered them before here at The Coolector, you can rest assured that we will be keeping our beady eye on the rest of the work from their exceptionally skilled and creative brains if the brilliant iDiots video is anything to go by. Extremely well executed and biting in its satire, we’re definitely impressed and on board with the underlying message of the video but, truth be told, we here at Coolector HQ are probably more reliant on technology and guiltier than most when it comes to the stuff lampooned within the video.
See More: Big Lazy Robot.