Though we’re not hardcore gamers here at Coolector HQ, we’re all about making life easier for ourselves and will constantly seek out products that boast cracking design which have been crafted specifically for certain problems and the brilliant looking iSkelter Hover X Gaming Tray is definitely something that falls into this bracket.
For those who regularly play games on their laptops, the issue of overheating is one that will almost certainly have been encountered and that’s a problem that the Hover X Gaming Tray aims to alleviate with its clever design features. Billed as being made for gamers by gamers, this latest offering from iSkelter (regulars on the page of The Coolector) has already exceeded it’s funding target over on Kickstarter which is testament to the fact that there are plenty of gamers out there after a solution to their home gaming requirements.
Born out of an inability to find a suitable solution on the marketplace already, iSkelter set about creating a mobile solution that is ideally suited to gaming and, with that, the Hover X Gaming LapDesk was born and it looks to be the perfect solution for enjoying gaming on the go. Principally crafted from premium bamboo, the iSkelter Hover X LapDesk looks the part from a design point of view and doesn’t disappoint on a performance level either. Check out some more shots of this impressive construct below:
For those chaps into their gaming in a big way, then something like this from iSkelter will likely be seen as somewhat of a godsend. Boasting impressive portability, fantastic minimalist design and a great level of versatility, you’ll likely wonder how you coped with your gaming exploits without one previously.
If you’ve fallen for the not inconsiderable charms of the iSkelter Hover X LapDesk then you’re in luck because there is still an abundance of time to throw your support behind it and get one for a bargain price over on Kickstarter.
Show Support: Kickstarter