We are unashamed fans of illustration in its many forms here at Coolector HQ and what is likely to be as a result of our own complete inability to draw, we pretty much surveil the internet constantly in lookout for new illustrators to enjoy and we’ve just find a talented fellow indeed in the form of JH Miller and his superbly humorous illustrations.
JH Miller is a London based illustrator who, hitherto, we hadn’t encountered here at The Coolector but we’ve just spent plenty of time on the chap’s great site, taking in his rather immense illustrative talent. If you’re equally as enamoured by those with a talent for drawing then you too can enjoy a few of Miller’s excellent doodles below:
Miller boasts exactly the sort of illustrative style that we favour here at Coolector HQ and the London based doodler will definitely remain on our radar as we see what else he has up his talented sleeves in the coming months.
See More: JH Miller