With many of us partial to the odd Irish coffee or two here at Coolector HQ, a surreptitious looking little flask has long been on our must have list and we might just have find the perfect candidate for the job in the form of the fantastic looking Kole Thermal Flask which is a stylish and well-crafted beast indeed.
For any chap looking to up his everyday carry game, the Kole Thermal Flask should definitely be one of your chief considerations because not only does it provide that hit of coffee or, in our case, alcohol just when you need it, you can’t fault it from an aesthetic point of view either. The Kole Thermal Flask obviously doesn’t have the capacity of a lot of flasks out there but it’s perfectly suited to those who just want a burst of whisky or some such from time to time.
The Kole Thermal Flask is crafted from natural wood and stainless steel for an eye-catching but understated finish that appeals to us here at The Coolector and you can take a look at a few more shots of it in action below:
In the portability stakes, the Kole Thermal Flask will be difficult to top and it will easily stow away in a jacket pocket to be quickly grabbed when you need to Irish up your coffee or take a hit of espresso. The cracking little accessory will soon be released on Kickstarter and, if you’ve liked what you’ve seen, there’s time to get your name down on the wait list now.
See More: Kole Thermal Flask